26 March 2011

1st week back to school done.

It's gonna be a long and boring quarter it seems.

Wednesday I have State and Local Government. We had a sub the first day of class so I can't really full on rate this one yet. The teacher we had for the night was pretty cool, but it still wasn't enough for the class to not be boring as hell. Nothing like paying to take classes that are equivalent to what you took in high school. Stupid general education classes.

Friday nights is my Intro to Personal Computers class. Apparently it is important for me to know how to take a computer apart and put it back together to earn my degree in Criminal Justice. Well, it's just what I like to consider one of my "easy A" classes.

Saturday morning is my Criminology class. It was the one I was actually looking forward to this quarter, but so far is running the risk of being my most boring class this quarter. To be fair, not so much the class as the teacher....slept through most of his class today. Should have just stayed in bed.

Not a whole lot going on other than that at the moment. Getting a few more hours at work (Wendy's) due to so many people being fired or quitting. Now if I could just get them to stop scheduling me on my days off I'd be set. Got a new general manager at my other job (Jimmy John's) and so far that situation is an utter fail. People are dropping out of that place like flies as well. I almost left myself but that extra money keeps my head above water (barely) money-wise, so I can't afford to leave just yet.

Talk about inspiration to stay in school and do good.

All I want is to finish school and go into the military. Nothing else will be sufficient at this point in my life. The only other thing that makes me happy is bound to the military himself right now, and without him nothing else matters. So I just pass the time in any way I can and right now that's school.

It's him or nobody, plain and simple.

Yes, I jump around on what I talk about, but that's just me. Those who have read my blog before know this already and are used to it. I just say what I feel when I feel like it. I know some people are jealous because they can't exhibit that kind of honesty, but it's something I have not only always been good at, but something I pride myself on.

Nothing to hide and no reason to do so.

As I may have said before, if you have a question, ask....if you have a comment, post it....if you think I'm full of shit about some of the things I write, feel free to tell me so. I rarely get offended so I'm game to discuss anything. Other than that, if you are here reading this then there must be something about me that is at least vaguely interesting to you. I will say one very important thing though....

If you think by reading any or all of this blog that it means you KNOW me.....you are in for a very rude awakening.

There are literally 3 people in the world that can legitimately claim the REALLY know me, and they know who they are. That is my limit, I will never let anyone else get as close as I let them.

That's just me.

23 March 2011

I keep saying I'm coming back to write full-time again, then I disappear for another couple of months.

I don't mean to, it just keeps happening that way.

When I got my new phone and realized I could access the Internet and post from there, I figured I would start getting more writing done, but as it turns out I was wrong about that one.

I have my computer back finally, but I'm hardly ever home still. When I am I just log onto my game for a few hours then crash out, writing forgotten.

Well, now that school has started again, I have my PC in my possession, and I feel as if I have tons to say, maybe this umpteenth time I'm saying this it'll actually stick.

I'm back to writing again *snicker*.

Guess we'll all see, eh?