26 April 2013

I REALLY should be fucking sleeping hahaha

...but like I've said for years...

Sleep is for dead people >:)

I really am going to sleep soon, as I have to be at work for the second of 4 11-hour shifts this week in approximately....5 hours and 27 minutes.

Have so much to do in the very near future. As in Monday, my next day off, which won't really be a day off by the time I'm done doing what I need to.  This includes a trip to Seattle to start the process of getting checked into school next quarter.  As I may or may not have stated here previously, online classes are decidedly NOT for me.  I have zero focus, the classes are boring as shit, the work is too easy (yes, that is a real problem for me), and group work is impossible with strangers, who all work online at different times, due to work, time zones, etc.

It's all good though, because I'm going into the program I REALLY want to be in (more on that when it's official), and I will be back on campus, which is the preference.

I also need to find a second job, mainly because it's time for me to have a car again, tired of people bitching at me about all the walking I do (fuck them anyway, I DO WHAT I WANT!), and it is just easier to do shit like grocery shopping or multiple errands when you don't have to do it on public transportation or depend on someone else's timeline. I'm fortunate enough to have people who care about me and get me where I'm going whenever they can, and I'm grateful, but I really don't like depending on other people for anything.

I've taken care of myself literally almost all my life, and like and old dog, I'm not changing my ways.

Don't have to, you can't make me! :p

Hope everything is well in the world for all of you...

Cheers! :D