These are the people that have my heart and soul, and I would give my own life, so they could keep theirs.

This is Noah, one of my baby brothers.
Ain't he wicked hot??
And sorry girls.....he is SPOKEN FOR!!!
I haven't actually seen him for quite awhile, but as fate would have it, it seems that all those I have been wanting to be close to are again coming into my life.
And I couldn't be happier about it...
I just got off the phone with him about an hour ago, and it was like we had never had this time apart, just fell back into talking like we had only talked last yesterday, shared stories, comparisons of our lives, and what we have missed being away from each other.
He is definitely one smart cookie. He has always wanted to be writer for as long as I can remember, and after reading his blog before I started writing this, believe he could definitely make people stand up and take notice of his talent.
Almost eerie how much we have in common.....more so now than before.....
Remember, Noah...
'Til it's time for us not to be here anymore.....
You always have me.
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