12 December 2007

Something new yet again

So just a little fair warning...I have a new contributing author to this blog.

He is my best friend, Dan Glasser. We met almost 7 years ago when I moved to Bellingham. He worked at Pizza Hut as a driver, and I was hired there my first week in town. I met him the first day I was there, and then he just kinda disappeared (turns out he went home to Michigan on vacation). When he got back, we just ended up becoming friends from the get. He's a great guy who you can't help but like, is married to an even greater girl, Laura, who is also one of my best friends, and if you get to be friends with either of them, you should consider yourself very blessed. Yes, they are both really that great.

So as Dan is a writer, someone who shares a lot of my opinions on the world in general, has the same fucked up sense of humor I do, knows more about me that most, and who has many opinions and funny stories of his own to share, I figure who better to blog with me?

Now, I should warn you of something. Dan's sense of time differs from pretty much everyone else's in the world. He could show up everyday for the next week, or maybe not show up for the first time until three months from now..

Who's to say? We're all gonna find out together..

1 comment:

rabbit said...

D A N G said...
man, you've really built this up! suppose i better think up something funny to say...

and so begins my contribution. when will i strike next? an hour? a day? a month?

only I know for sure.


December 12, 2007 11:21 PM