Just so you have a little forewarning, I'm in a rather odd frame of mind right now. So while this may seem somewhat random to you, trust me, in my brain, it all makes absolutely perfect sense.
It's been a rather odd beginning so far to this new year.
Ever hear that saying "sometimes the silence can be deafening"? It's true...
Why do people who have had never had to fight or even work very hard for anything, almost always the first ones to shit on people who have nothing?
I find it rather odd that people who don't even know I, or most other people exist, except as a possible voter, are the ones in charge of our collective fate. By our own hands, or better yet, lack of...
Why do so many people try to be something they're not?
I wish that village in Texas would take back their fucking idiot already. We don't want him.....never did, as a matter of fact.
I find it very amusing that 'older' celebrities are finding it necessary to share this much of their lives with the public. You know, pretty much every 'reality' show shown on VH-1 at this point is of this genre.
Even when your a person who generally trusts no one, sometimes trust, and a little bit of faith are the only things that can get you by in your confusion.
I can't wait to leave California. This place is getting more ridiculous every damn day. My theory is because we are so fucking close to Hollywood, and these idiotic shows about what people think the "O.C." is, more people keep moving here all the time. Blleehhhhhhh.....
Six Flags Magic Mountain is California's only redeeming quality. That's why I'm staying here a little longer, so I can take Dan and Laura when they come visit. It will be a grand finale like no other.
This one has been bugging me all day. When did people get so fucking selfish? When was it okay to make senior citizens, pregnant women, and children stand on the bus, so you and you damn bags could have 4 fucking seats to yourself?? Are you fucking serious?
I think there should be certain things you should have to take test to acquire. If you can't pass it, no go. Some of things should be...
1) to own a pet
2) being allowed a cell phone; hell, a phone in general
3) being allowed to eat in restaurants
4) being allowed to order delivery from a restaurant; your too lazy to come get it, and too
cheap to use your own gas, but you don't believe in tipping the driver? Fuckhead.
5) to be allowed on the internet. Period. No provisions.
I think I've more than made my point, and if I missed anything, which I'm sure I did, your more than welcome to say so.
Missing people important to you rather sucks ass.
Finding out you were more important to some people than you ever realized makes up for it.
See....only to me.
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