21 April 2008

Just another Sunday...

Dan called me today. Just to say hi, but also because it was 4/20, something we've celebrated together for years, with the rest of our friends up north.

Yeah, new information for some people, but already known to most.

Anyway, this is basically how the conversation went...

Dan: "Just called to say hi, and see what's up."

me: "Getting ready to go to work, hanging out with my brother. What are you guys doing?"

Dan: "Heading up to Bellingham. (Dan and Laura live in Seattle now) Can you believe it?? Danny bought a school bus!!"

me:*laughing* "Yes, I do believe that...it's Danny."

Dan: "Yeah, so we're heading up there to take the bus out for a drive, to smoke and stuff."

Which, of course, brought forth the foul language, mostly because I was supposed to be home by now, and able to hang out with my family again, and instead...

I'm here. FUCK!!!!

1 week.....Duy and Jacklyn's wedding. First promise kept.

2 months.....Kat, Dianna, Jessica, Emily and Joseph's high school graduation. Last promise kept.

Shortly thereafter...


1 comment:

rabbit said...

D A N G said...
31 different flavours, mexican. 31! your jaw would have dropped to the floor...

April 25, 2008 5:23 PM
rabbit said...
I hate you so much right now....


May 1, 2008 7:11 PM