Can you believe it??
I actually got shit done!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
I got my music posted, my 80's playlist I put together after watching "Romy and Michele's High School Reunion" for like the billionth damn time. What can I say, I think that movie is hilarious, I love it. Not that I would go to my high school reunion, zero interest in that. The few people I was friends with in high school...well, I am still friends/in contact with them.
I transferred what was left of my original blog to this one. THANK YOU Blogger for giving me the option of export/import, something that wasn't there when I did my first transfer of posts. *sigh*. It's okay though, instead of taking a month this time, it took like 5 minutes. A bit of editing needs to be done, but only because some of the videos I posted in the past are no longer there, but I either found new links or replaced the videos, have not deleted anything else, and don't intend to.
I've spent the last few hours reading a lot of my past writings, and I must say, it has very much inspired me to really start at this again. So more editing and adding tomorrow, I must try to nap, have work in the morning. As I have had a job change since I originally started writing, I should probably point out the fact I'm no longer at the P.H., now I work at the "clown house", a.k.a., McDonald's. Friday...Filet-o-Fish Friday to be precise. The day people come in and order $1.29 fish sandwiches, $1.00 McChickens, and an assload of Chicken McNuggets. Lots of people (in Garden Grove at the very least) are under the impression the fact they are not eating meat on Fridays is going to save them from hell.
Don't YOU wish it was that easy? ;)
12 March 2010
11 March 2010
Ooooohhh, it's been a long couple of days already. I'm fucking tired.
Can't go to sleep yet though, or it will throw my sleep schedule completely off, considering its something I rarely do to begin with. Besides, it's not like there isn't plenty to keep me busy. Writing this for example. Like anyone but me cares. ;) I will be adding music in a couple of hours, as well as FINALLY transferring my old blog over to this one. The second and the last time I will be doing that. Just to prove that I really used to do this on a fairly regular basis. There are some posts that have gone bye-bye, but it's not like those posts are any great loss. The ones that I actually liked are still around. Keep in mind, I'm not one for editing myself, but in certain cases, it was just a necessity. I won't be doing that here though. If I wrote it, its because thats what I was feeling at that moment, right or wrong.
My with it. :)
Can't go to sleep yet though, or it will throw my sleep schedule completely off, considering its something I rarely do to begin with. Besides, it's not like there isn't plenty to keep me busy. Writing this for example. Like anyone but me cares. ;) I will be adding music in a couple of hours, as well as FINALLY transferring my old blog over to this one. The second and the last time I will be doing that. Just to prove that I really used to do this on a fairly regular basis. There are some posts that have gone bye-bye, but it's not like those posts are any great loss. The ones that I actually liked are still around. Keep in mind, I'm not one for editing myself, but in certain cases, it was just a necessity. I won't be doing that here though. If I wrote it, its because thats what I was feeling at that moment, right or wrong.
My with it. :)
09 March 2010
So busy lately.
Not complaining, it's actually a good thing.
Busy means time goes by faster, things you are looking forward to are finally coming around, things like that. Trip for next month is all set, appointment set for school, appointments set to view apartments, etc. Hopefully check out a few places of employment while I'm there as well. Then another trip in May, for my sister's wedding, then back home to work for a couple months straight so I can move away from here finally. Moving will happen even if school does not. I've decided if I can't afford school quite yet, then my last option will again become my first (yay to me, most of my friends will NOT be pleased), and I'm more than okay with that. All I know is I will not continue to work like as hard as I do, for basically nothing. I have a future planned, and it won't come to fruition if I continue to work the places I usually do.
Tired of my friends telling me "you are too smart to be working at that shithole..".
You think I don't know that for fucks' sake?
I'm working on it, alright?
Not complaining, it's actually a good thing.
Busy means time goes by faster, things you are looking forward to are finally coming around, things like that. Trip for next month is all set, appointment set for school, appointments set to view apartments, etc. Hopefully check out a few places of employment while I'm there as well. Then another trip in May, for my sister's wedding, then back home to work for a couple months straight so I can move away from here finally. Moving will happen even if school does not. I've decided if I can't afford school quite yet, then my last option will again become my first (yay to me, most of my friends will NOT be pleased), and I'm more than okay with that. All I know is I will not continue to work like as hard as I do, for basically nothing. I have a future planned, and it won't come to fruition if I continue to work the places I usually do.
Tired of my friends telling me "you are too smart to be working at that shithole..".
You think I don't know that for fucks' sake?
I'm working on it, alright?
05 March 2010
04 March 2010
Damn I feel like a lazy bum.
Not in general, just in the upkeep of this blog. I used to be really great about it originally, but since I had a psycho stalker for a while, and had to shut my first blog down, restart, move things, etc....
Well, suffice it to say I've been a bit lacking in keeping up as well as I'd like. *sigh*
I'm sooooo tired right now. Lots of working lately (yet still not quite enough, sadly) and preparations for traveling, moving, school.......
It'll all be worth it in the end. ;)
Preparing to wander into my new life, which will make me *M.I.A* for at least the first couple of years....
I'm actually very excited. ^^
Well, off to an early bed time once again, preparing for the hell that is my life at the moment, Filet-O-Fish Friday at McD's. People are funny.
In my opinion, God's last concern in your life practice is whether you eat meat on a Friday between Lent and Easter. Shoving FoF, chicken nuggets and chicken sandwiches does not guarantee your salvation. Just like an hour of church on Sunday will not make up for 6 days and 23 hours a week of bad behavior.
Is it really that difficult to just TRY to be a good person?
Apparently it is, or I wouldn't be making 200 fish sandwiches an hour on Fridays. XD
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