Can you believe it??
I actually got shit done!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
I got my music posted, my 80's playlist I put together after watching "Romy and Michele's High School Reunion" for like the billionth damn time. What can I say, I think that movie is hilarious, I love it. Not that I would go to my high school reunion, zero interest in that. The few people I was friends with in high school...well, I am still friends/in contact with them.
I transferred what was left of my original blog to this one. THANK YOU Blogger for giving me the option of export/import, something that wasn't there when I did my first transfer of posts. *sigh*. It's okay though, instead of taking a month this time, it took like 5 minutes. A bit of editing needs to be done, but only because some of the videos I posted in the past are no longer there, but I either found new links or replaced the videos, have not deleted anything else, and don't intend to.
I've spent the last few hours reading a lot of my past writings, and I must say, it has very much inspired me to really start at this again. So more editing and adding tomorrow, I must try to nap, have work in the morning. As I have had a job change since I originally started writing, I should probably point out the fact I'm no longer at the P.H., now I work at the "clown house", a.k.a., McDonald's. Friday...Filet-o-Fish Friday to be precise. The day people come in and order $1.29 fish sandwiches, $1.00 McChickens, and an assload of Chicken McNuggets. Lots of people (in Garden Grove at the very least) are under the impression the fact they are not eating meat on Fridays is going to save them from hell.
Don't YOU wish it was that easy? ;)
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