So yeah...
Computer is not working properly and is such a pain to get onto I haven't been bothering much. This is only troublesome due to my horrendous Facebook addiction. Since it's basically how I stay connected to the world AND assure my friends that I am indeed still alive, not being there usually garners me many messages of...
"WTF?? Where the hell are you??"
For fucks sake, does it really matter?
Anyone who has been friends with me long enough should know by now how reclusive I am. It's not that I don't care or I don't want to talk to you, it's just me, you should all be used to it!!! Probably doesn't help that my phone has been off for a year now (just realized that) and it is nearly impossible to contact me. Having it turned back on is one of several things I intend to take care of before the year is out. Also high on my priority list is getting a new passport, as it has been AGES since I have been back "home" to Vancouver. It's the one place I always felt I was meant to be and where I've always been happiest.
I will be getting my new laptop in about a week and a half, which means a ridiculous amount of time will be spent here writing....that is between my massive sessions of GW2 and equally massive sessions of fucking homework. Just a means to an end. Proper job (that isn't Wendy's or any other type of customer service) means that I will be able to set up my own retirement fund and also be able to make sure my father is taken care of in his. Good thing I don't want for much, eh??
So even though I have been non-existent in the last couple of weeks, believe me, that will change, to the point of making everyone nauseous I'm sure... ;-)
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