31 January 2013

What a fucking day I had today!!

Just got home from work like an hour ago, though it really should have been like 3 hours ago.  Two transformers in the area of my job blew up today, so the power was out for two hours.  Everything on both sides of the street, including the Towne Center was down for the count.  Oddly enough, I was the only one who worked on making sure the store was ready when the power came back on, which was a good thing, because we got NAILED when the lights came back on.  We had to turn away about 3 dozen people or so because we had to redo all our product and such.  When we finally did get up and running again, it was like a fucking circus.

P.S. by the way....some people have no home training. -.-

It's amazing to me how filthy people can be when they are out in public.

Due to this, I was at work an hour and a half longer than I should have been, since they left the damn dining room in shambles.  On the upside, people were cool about having to wait.  To them, it was better than the alternative, which was going to the McChord store.

Needless to say, they don't have the best service reputation and we get most of the business in the area of the military base, even though our stores are less than two miles apart.

So tired, so hungry...yet too lazy to get of my ass and remedy either of these situations.  It nice to just sit right now.

Have a ton of homework, 1 of my classes is finishing this Sunday, have to finish my 10 page paper and my final, which consists of 7 essay questions TOMORROW, as it's the last full day I will have uninterrupted to work on it.  Bleeehhhhh.....

Really need to get a hold of these online people so I can get my program changed.  More on that when it's actually done.

Hmmmm...cup o' soup sounds like a plan...and my customary glass of Coke that is always by my side.


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