Fuck sakes....
So went to the hospital, knee is just not cooperating. She proceeds to tell me I need to go see the specialist, the orthopedist, because it is apparent from her examination that my knee is shot. So until I get to go see this specialist, I'm to stay off my feet as much as possible. To aid in this endeavor, I have an immobilizer, one of these leg contraptions that runs from hip to ankle. Like an old friend I could have gone without seeing ever again. Also a good thing I held on to both sets of crutches, as I need them again...I knew I would eventually.
No work today due to this development. To be quite honest, I kinda wish I had gone. I'm bored out of my fucking mind, because even though I can game, do homework and write in peace, I know I should be there. Even though my boss made sure my shift was covered last night, because he saw what working yesterday did to me. Now just have to decide whether or not I'm going back Wednesday, or if I'm gonna take that off too and go back Friday.
Decisions, decisions.
Watching Venture Bros. again, probably gonna game for a little while. Haven't started yet because I'm still deciding what character I'm gonna work on tonight. I have 5 so far, 4 of which I'm putting serious time into, one which is close to level cap. Also considering switching my main to a different profession, but undecided as of yet. Some people would be wondering what the shit I'm talking about right now, but just as many totally understand. That's all that matters. About as much as the fact you are likely reading babble and nonsense from someone you don't really know. I imagine since I have been following several bloggers for many years now, it's the same idea.
Sometimes other people's lives are just as interesting (or not) as yours. It's either that or inherent need to be nosy in other people's business. XD
Meh, need to find something else to do, probably be back later. I've got a lot of hours to pass between now and Wednesday!!
Cheers! :)
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