18 November 2007

Finally, something worthy of Christmas..

So, for those who actually do come here to visit, you'll have noticed that I have changed things around a bit. This will probably happen quite a few times while I am in the beginning process of this..

Anyway, my point was that you will notice that I have added a list of links for the sites I visit on a daily basis, one of the main one being Raymitheminx.com, another being duanestorey.com.

See, the thing is, these two are friends....

Raymi has been running her blog for a very long time. She has a style all her own that many try to imitate, but they usually don't succeed.

Until today.

So getting down to the bottom of her post today I see a link to something entitled..duanetheminx.com...

Oh my god...

About 10 seconds in I was already giggling hysterically. Half way through I was crying so hard from laughing that I had to take my glasses off.

Then there is the video....

I never thought it would be so entertaining to watch some one do the "drunk white boy" dance in a Santa hat....to Britney Spears.....

It is beyond awesome!!!!

So when you watch this, be prepared. Make sure you have already made your trip to the restroom, and that you are not drinking milk, because the results will be bad..

Enjoy all, and welcome to the Christmas season!!


1 comment:

rabbit said...

Duane Storey said...
Drunk White Boy Dance?

I can live with that.

November 19, 2007 1:49 AM
rabbit said...
it was only meant as the highest compliment!!!lol Duane, it truly was awesome...

November 19, 2007 11:29 AM