04 February 2008

A little about my friends

Reading that post by Dan got me to thinking. He's funny as hell, ain't he? The mention of Ethan got me thinking of other friends of ours as well. Dan is one of my best friends, and is more like a brother, honestly. So I decided to tell you some stuff about my friends, and some of the reasons they mean so much to me.

Dan - As you have already read, he's funny as hell. He is just a truly good person, and a great friend. He would give the shirt off his back to help anyone, and would never expect anything in return. You just have to be careful not to let him use your bathroom....usually only bad news if he has had mexican food...

Laura - She is Dan's wife. She is the one of two females in existence that I trust 100%. She is one of the sweetest and kindest people I have ever met in my life, and consider myself blessed to be her friend. She shares many of the same values Dan does, and would also do anything to help any one who needed it. Poor thing has to share a bathroom with Dan though, and now that they live on the boat, well..... Poor Laura... XD

John - Also, and sometimes better known as, "Ziggy". Crazy, ridiculously talented. Music wise, I am truly in awe of what comes so natural to him. He can cook better than most people I know, and is a pretty great guy. One of my favorite people to party with on the few occasions I choose to do so.

Kevin - Or as the rest of us call him, "Freeman" (his last name). If you've even vaguely paid attention to the posts about my brothers and sisters, you'll see his name on all those lists. I do count him as my "brother", have for years, and always will. His name is on all my life insurance policies. When I kick the bucket, Kevin gets the money, Dan and Laura get all my "stuff". There are just some people in your life that you make that connection with, and we've been friends since we met. If I had a twin, he would be it.

Kathy - We've been friends only for the last few years, but she is the other female I referred to, and I treasure her friendship very much. She is always there when I need someone to talk to, understands when I want to just be left alone, and is just a wonderful person in general. She "adopted" me into her family, which is something I really needed at the time when I met her, and she helped me a lot.

Okay, so there are a few other people I have yet to talk about, but those are definitely some of the most important, so that's what you get for today. Sorry, but my game is calling me....I gotta go now....

1 comment:

rabbit said...

Anonymous said...
Just checked in to see what you've been up to, and unexpectedly came across a section of your writing about me. It's an honor that you would say such things, and I consider it even more of an honor to be your friend. I once read that "friends are the family you choose," and it is indeed rare to find anyone who shows the kind of consistent love and loyalty to friends as you. Your friends truly are your family, in words and in feeling. I've also never met anyone with your kind of unapologetic, heartfelt honesty, which comes through in your words and, most definitely, in your humor. I hope you know how amazing YOU are, too...


p.s. thank you so much for the package of avocados! we're still jealous...

February 28, 2008 10:20 PM