01 March 2013

Oh life, how you love to play games with me!!

Ssoooooo....went to the orthopedic surgeon this morning, because my bad knee has officially told me.."fuck you bitch" lol Doctor says..

1) "We will try some physical therapy first to see if that helps. Keep your knee braces on, use your crutches."  Somehow, in the deep reaches of my brain, this does not truly make sense, but hey, I didn't spend a decade in med school/training/etc. so what do I know?

2) "You know why your knee is so bad? You have NO cartilage left in your knee." So THAT'S what that weird grinding sound I'm always hearing is!! XD Yes, you can hear bone on bone, oddly interesting.

3) "Come back and see me in one month, I will let you know then if you are still gonna need surgery." I think that's a given at this point.

This is day 5 at home...omhfg if I need surgery and I have to be home for longer than that afterwords.

NOW do you people see why I hate doctors?!?!?! >.<

I really am bored out of my fucking mind.

You see, I'm one of those weirdos who actually LIKES to work. I like to stay busy, due to my aversion to sleep.  It explains all my time spent on video games, doing this, maintaining fan pages, blah blah.

I was actually out of the house for a few hours today (doctor appointment and all) and it was great!! Didn't do anything but it was better than being where I am now...in bed again.

Homework tonight, in just a bit.  Doing pretty good on that one, just gotta work on my computer lab and my final project (easy). Then probably back to gaming, as I'm balls deep into my game again, think I may have mentioned that, and probably will again many, MANY times.

Looks like I'm off for a bit to go run some errands, will talk at y'all later!


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