13 August 2012

Too fucking hot...

So I finally have a day off.

...and it's too damn hot to do anything!!

Well, it's not scorching or anything like when I was living in Omaha, but it's still warm enough to make me incredibly lazy.

I keep going back and forth with myself about whether I want to game or just continue watching Netflix but continue to come to no real decision, so I just go lay back down and frown at my ceiling.  With time differences and the fact that we are now so close to launch date for our game, I doubt any of my guildies are even logged on at the moment.  I'm sure we'll be inseparable once again soon enough, but for now....

...nothing much in game going on. Booooooooo....

As it is, I'm gonna have to wait an extra couple of weeks to even get on the game, as I need to earn a little more cash towards my new computer, but since I've waited this long, a couple more weeks won't kill me.  That is of course assuming that I don't constantly view posts or get messages on FB from my friends about how EPIC the game is and the "where the hell are you??" notes.  That would suck.

I may try to finally install the awesome graphics card I got for Xmas a couple of years ago from my BFFF, as I know a hell of a lot more about computers than I did when I received it.  Hopefully I won't break my shit! Hahaha.

Guess we'll all know what happened if I don't write anything for a while. Would have written more this weekend if it wasn't for the fact I spent so much damn time at work.  Saturday night was drunk moron day in the drive-thru, with the best statement of the night coming from a woman who was more than old enough to know better that to be out drunk driving in Lakewood.  Asked her if we could take her order and the first words out of her mouth were "You guys are actually open! I can't believe it!"

The place was lit up like fucking Christmas AND there is a huge sign on the window that says "Open 'til 2am daily!".  It was not even midnight when she came through...

Besides, if you thought we weren't open, why the fuck did you attempt rolling through to order food??

And everyone wonders why I love people so much.

I can't wait until I'm done with school.

I need to find a movie to watch or something while I figure out something more interesting to write about.  Had some ideas in my head about some stuff, but kinda lost it after a very long weekend, sure it will come back to me eventually.

For now, I'm off!!

11 August 2012

It was a long day today.

Work was just a reminder of why it was a good decision (not really mine) to go back to school.  My distaste for the general public continues to grow on a daily basis.

It's not everyone.  I still meet nice people on occasion and I have a lot of regular customers that I'm glad to see, as I know they will not give me hassle.  There are just things I hear or see everyday that have always gotten on my nerves and as time marches on, they irritate the shit out of me more and more. 

One of the biggest? People feeding their children what basically equates to unhealthy crap after midnight. I ended up stuck at work longer than I was supposed to be (as usual) and the last thing I heard over my headset before I chucked it onto the table in disgust was a parent ordering 2 kid's meals for her children....at 12:45 in the a.m.  Seriously...what the FUCK?? Why are your children not sleeping??  Not only are they still awake at this time, you are barely feeding them dinner, at Wendy's, this late at night? And people wonder why childhood obesity is running rampant in our country.

Fucking assholes.

People and their damn cell phones, mobile devices, whatever the fuck they are now.  I swear on my life these people only use their phones AS a phone when it will irritate me the most.  You know, like when they have been standing in line for 10 minutes waiting for me to take their order and they wait until it's their turn before they finally decide to call their family member, buddy, or what have you to say...

"Hey, I'm at Wendy's....you want anything?"  The best part? When they start reading off the whole menu over the phone and the 15 people behind them who already know what they want are frowning at ME like I'm the one who is being discourteous.  

If I was allowed to put hands on some of these people I swear they would have those fancy little pieces of plastic crammed straight up their ass.

Little less than two years until graduation and I am DONE with customer service for-fucking-ever. 

I remember the days when I thought I could do these jobs forever....long gone.

They keep trying to get me to do management and I keep telling them "no spank you" because I enjoy having a LIFE.  It may not be much of one, considering that I spend what time I have gaming, watching movies, listening to music and school, but it's mine and my time is precious dammit!!

Even though I just got home from that pit 2 hours ago, I must now try to take a nap because I need to be back there in about 7 hours.  Have to be ready to go because IMPORTANT people (saarccassmmm) are going to be hanging out there most of the day tomorrow watching to see how we "operate".  

It's fast food assholes, we aren't fucking saving lives.  If anything, we are contributing to a quicker demise for some of them.  10 hours in that place tomorrow (later today, whatever) will hopefully garner at least one interesting story. 

We shall have to see now, won't we?? :-D

10 August 2012

A New Beginning

Sometimes I wonder what it would like to be normal.

Then I laugh hysterically and remember I wasn't meant to be like everyone else.  I also realize that is just the way I like it.

I rarely sleep. Sleep is for dead people!!

I'm more capable of being myself behind this keyboard than I am when I'm face to face with people.  I have a general distrust for most of existence, it's just easier to keep my mouth shut when I'm outside the four walls of my room.

I love most of my family and all my friends, but still tend to keep my distance.  Trusting the right people has never been my strong point in life.  What can I say, I'm a sucker like that.  Luckily I have one of the most awesome groups of friends in the world and they are willing to put up with my eccentricities because they love me.

I miss this part of my life more than I realized.  Doing this writing thing I mean.  It was the way I used to express myself best and I was damn good at it.  I had a pretty good following and even had offers to be sponsored and paid to do it.

Things happened, I gave up a lot of stuff I shouldn't have and now here we are. It's like....fuck sakes....a little over 3 years later and I believe I might be ready to take my life back.  To some degree at least.

It's time to concentrate on the few things I have left that make ME happy.

Number 1 is this blog.  While my original still exists, I will no longer add to it.  I may go back for occasional notes and sections of writings that deserve rehashing, but other than that, I will likely not lead people to it.  Too many memories of things I don't want to deal with and frankly toward the end, too much fucking whining.

Not really cool with that...

Major number 2, and just as important as number 1, is my gaming.  Yes, I'm a gamer...MASSIVE gamer to be more precise.  As one who dealt with major trauma during actual childhood and who had to be an adult by age 7, I have regressed.  I am currently living through my missed childhood and will likely continue to do so until they put me out to pasture.  By that I mean my friends who have been left in charge of my "end of life" rituals of nonsense put my ashes in a Folger's can and attempt to toss me out to sea 'Lebowski style'.

My apologies to whomever gets the blow back.

So now I take back what I can of my life and live for no one but myself and fuck whoever can't deal with that.  My life is about my writing, my gaming, listening to my music, going to concerts, travelling, and the variety of little things that make me happy.  To my family (sister, brothers, my niece, my pops, my dad, my mama) and friends that I adore and would give my life's blood for, I will always be here for all and any of you when you need me.

So for those who happen upon this, those I lead here, etc, be prepared.  I swear like a truck driver (thanks Dad), share the music I love, post random shit and funny stories, rant when the need arises, and do my best to entertain.

After all, isn't there some saying about "sharing is caring", or some such shit??