31 March 2008

"....California, rest in peace...."

I'm going to listen to this song about 100 times on my way out of this state.

And just when you think you've seen it all...

Then you see what I saw early yesterday evening, and while you are laughing hysterically, you realize this story is WAY too good not to share. It was also yet another reminder that I really need to start carrying my camera all the time, because filming it would have been extraordinary.
I have made no secret about what a nerd I am, and that I'm damn proud of it. As part of that, I played Dungeons and Dragons from the ages of 7 until 16. I would probably still play if I knew enough other people who did. Which leads me to my story...

I don't remember who actually told me about the group in the dining room. I think it was Brandon, maybe it was Susie, I honestly don't remember. All I remember is snickering, and someone telling me there was a group of people out in the dining room playing Dungeons and Dragons. I'm like, "I used to play that...I LOVE that game." Of course, everyone giggles at this. Thinking it was just 3 or 4 kids or something, I went to check it out. Turns out, I was a little off.

It was a group of 8 people, men and women, all in their 40's. To me, it just made it that much cooler that they were out there playing. I got to work at 4:3o, and was told they had been there for hours already.

Well, duh...

Around 6, Kat comes back to the office laughing, and tells me that 2 of the guys are out there arguing. Not in that discussing kind of way, but in that pissed off, "I'm right, and your WRONG" kind of way.

She said they were arguing about defensive spells and such, and were getting very loud about it.
Not really hearing too much, I didn't go out and investigate. Kat went back to what she was doing, as did I. About 5 minutes later, I have 2 customers peek around the corner into the office, which they never usually do, and tell me to call the cops, because there are 2 guys outside fighting. Not arguing, really fighting. I go out to the dining room and can see them going at it from the window.

Pay-per-view doesn't have fights this good.

It went on for a bit. One guy left bleeding, and the one who stayed obviously got slugged in both his eyes. Of course nosy Susie went to go out and talk to the guy and one of the women that had been playing as well. Turns out these guys have been friends for 30 years. Yet they felt the overwhelming need to kick the shit out of each other. Over a game of D & D.

The world is an interesting place, isn't it?

25 March 2008

two weeks notice

Oh, how I wish that were a more literal statement.

It's not.

I found out tonight at work that it will be at least two more weeks before my boss is coming back.


That's okay, I'm actually already used to being in that damn place everyday. It's always interesting, at least. Plus, I do like 95% of the people I work with, and that helps....alot. Every day that I'm there, I'm reminded of why I stopped taking management jobs.

Nowhere in my job description of any management job I've ever had, has "babysitting" been one of the things I'm getting paid to do. Yet I spend the vast majority of my time doing just that.

It helps keep me busy.

Because of all the hiring and firing going on, almost everyone in the kitchen is new. That is where I'm spending the vast majority of my time on the weekends. It was very much the case on Friday, which was unusually busy for some reason. At some point, it had to go to hell up front.

Customer comes in to pick up a pizza, gets home, and finds out its wrong. Understandably, he is not happy. So he comes back in, we apologize, make him new food, and give him store credit for next time. Standard. He asks to speak to me, I tell them to to tell him sorry, but I can't leave the kitchen right now, it's way too busy. I ask if they took care of everything already, and they said they had. Then I kinda turned and saw who it was.


I have already gotten into it with this asshole a couple of times before, and I wasn't going for 3. I was too busy, and in no mood for his bullshit. Either way, I lose, because he always calls the complaint line. Since our other customers have already been so patient with the fact that we were about half an hour behind, I wasn't moving.

That dumbass actually stayed there for about an hour trying to get me to come out and talk to him. As if. As expected, he called the complaint line. I have to say that it is the best one I ever got, and I'm quite proud of it. When Donna came in to visit, I showed her the printout, which they send us from corporate. She laughed so hard, I was worried she might hurt herself.

He told them that I kept coming out of the kitchen to help female customers, and that I ignored him. The only problem with that is, I never left the kitchen once I went into it. I went in around 6, and was in there until around 11 or so.


The best part is his theory on why I was ignoring him.

Apparently, I am "gender-biased". Which to those who know me, well, they know what a joke that is.

In most cases, with the exception of the few who have been mentioned on this blog, I despise females.

So in a way, I guess he is kinda right, but only half.

23 March 2008

...for you...

....always the bridesmaid....

Today I was thinking about my friends Dan and Laura. You know Dan now, probably better than you ever wanted or needed to, but you do nonetheless.

Moldy avocadoes. I only blame you....badjoo....lol

Anyway, it's been a year now that Dan and Laura have been married. This time last year, I took some days off from work, and flew up to Washington to spend 3 of the most insane and fun days ever with my nearest and dearest. It's amazing what certain events in your life will bring. Old friendships on the verge of being gone forever were renewed, friendships that just are were made even stronger, and many more fun memories were created that weekend.

The best, of course, being the wedding.

So a year has gone by, and their life continues to go in the direction that has always been meant for them.

Congrats, guys....love ya... :)

With same time of year comes another wedding. This one I won't be attending, only because it will be taking place in Scotland. My friends Jimmy and Kathy are also in a "FINALLY" getting married situation. They are both Scottish, so this is pretty great for them. Kathy's son Connor will also be there, as will be Kathy's mom. I'm very happy for them, and I know I will get to see it, since I know they will be filming it.

Good luck, and safe travels. See you at the Highland Games in June. ;)

When I was a little girl, and all the way up into my mid-20's, all I ever really wanted with was to get married, and have a family of my own. At some point I don't recall, I came to the self-realization that I didn't think marriage was all that important. It's no guarantee you will stay with your husband/wife, and anyone thinks that a piece of paper and an unnecessarily expensive piece of jewelery is a guarantee for a perfect relationship, all I have to say is sorry, it's so not.

A few months back, I was having a conversation with a couple of the girls at work. They asked me if I was ever gonna get married. I told them I wasn't sure. Then one of the girls, Dianna, said...

"Don't get mad at me for saying this, but I don't think you're going to."

I just laughed, and asked why she thought that. You know what she said?

"Your too much of a free spirit. We think you would feel too tied down."

Thing is, she's probably right. I have no issue with that. To be honest, I don't have some invisible clock ticking, telling me that I have to "hurry up!! Get married and have babies, because if you don't do it by this particular time, you never will." I couldn't imagine living my life like that. Just like people who are in relationships just so they don't have to be alone. I'm one of those weirdos that think things happen for a reason, and things that are meant to happen, will. Fate, destiny, whatever you want to call it. If a husband and a family of my own don't come into my life, it's because they were never supposed to.

Doesn't mean I can't still be happy, right?

For Susie.. :)

Every Saturday night, after the restaurant is finally closed, my friends and I have our "fun" time. Said time consists of us sitting around bullshitting, and we watch a movie.

So Saturday is "movie night".

Tonight's movie was "Fight Club". Not only because of the greatness of the movie itself, but mostly due to the fact that fucking Kyle and Ian hadn't seen yet.

Believe me, us girls who have seen it and know it well have spent the last week since we found out they hadn't seen it yet ridiculing them mercilessly.

There is a really good reason I bring this up. There is a moment in the movie right after Edward Norton comes to the realization that he is Tyler, and he is trying to apologize to Marla, and get her to leave town. When it comes to the part where he is shoving her on to the bus, dodging cars and standing in the street fucking up traffic, I had a fit of the giggles, and was immediately reminded of my friend, who was coincidentally sitting next to me.

"I'm so writing a post about you when I get home", I said.

That's right, Susie, I'm talking about you..lol

I have this nickname for her....


Almost anyone who knows about video games knows which one I'm referring to. Way old school, it was an Atari (ya, I had one of those) game. The only real purpose of the game was to get your frog across the road without getting squashed. Sometimes it was across logs and past alligators, but mostly it was dodging traffic.

Which Susie does EVERY FUCKING DAY!!!!!

Bad Susie....lol

I always tell her she is gonna get smashed in the road if she keeps it up. All so she doesn't have to wait for the lights, and walk like 15 feet "backwards" to the bus stop.

No, she would rather dodge 100's of fuckheads who can't drive. I swear she does that shit to try and give me a stroke.

Right now, as she's reading this, you know what she's saying??

"Fucking bitch...", through her fit of laughter, of course.

It's only funny because it's true.

18 March 2008

"Across the Universe" clips

I went to see this movie last year when it was out in theatres. I must say, I was even more impressed with it than I thought I would be, and think they definitely did the music justice.

This to me is the best clip of the movie, and the song is very beautifully, if not sadly, represented.

One of my top 3 Beatles songs.

See it if you haven't yet, you'll love it, I promise. :)

...an end to the silence...

To say my life lives on the border of chaotic would be putting it mildly. I have my rare peaceful moments, but believe me, they are rare.

A seemingly short time ago, things in my life changed a bit, and a very peaceful calm came with it. It was something I was definitely not used to, but it went from interesting to preferable fairly quickly.

I lost that for a bit at the beginning of this year. To say it had a rather tumultuous effect would also be putting it mildly.

Last week...I got it back.

16 March 2008

A little more perspective for you.

Well, I have to say, it's been an interesting start to the new year.

It's amazing to me still how fast things in your life can change. One minute, your life is moving along at its normal snails pace.

The next, your the deer in the headlights, too stunned by the sudden, bright lights to move out of the way.

That's just the way it's supposed to be, at least that's what I think. That being said...

As I mentioned before, due to Donna's illness, surgery, and now lengthy recovery, I spend pretty much all my time taking care of the restaurant and all the goings on that go with it. I'm doing the job of 3 managers right now, and not really even getting paid for one. 7 days a week, I am at the restaurant. Fuck.

That's why I ALWAYS tell the kids I work with......STAY IN SCHOOL!!!!

I have fired, am in the process of firing, and hiring on an insane basis in the last month. I figure a few more here and there, and we will be all squared away. Which will eleviate a lot of the guilt I have about leaving that damn place by summer.

Have I mentioned how much I hate California????

The point is, I'm fucking exhausted, I now sleep like a lazy teenager when I'm not at work, and I think I may be going insane. One of the cooks cost us almost $500 in mistakes within an hour and a half, and I about lost it. By 8pm I was feeling so hostile, I had to go for a little walk, just to get the hell out of there so I wouldn't hurt anybody.

When Donna gets back, I'm taking at least 3 days off.

I missed the Matthew Good show in L.A. Fucking work....

Also with this new year came the ending of my relationship. I'm suprisingly okay with it, probably because we are still best friends, and after all, it was a mutual decision. As much as we thought we could handle it, turns out the distance really was too much, and it was impossible for us to maintain it properly. So rather than end up ruining a perfectly good friendship, we decided it should be just that.

Things do change quickly, don't they?

I'm glad I'm moving soon. I do have a few friends here that I will miss, but I really have more people here that I would definitely rather not be around. My friends are my family, and will always know how to find me.

By the time I leave here, it will be for what I hope will be a truly fresh start on my life.

Interesting to see what's happening by summertime.....

12 March 2008

Letter to a friend...

I hold my friends very close to my heart. The few people in my life who know that they truly are my friends, know this.

That being said....

I often wonder about your well being. You, in particular, due to your health issues. Something you unfortunately will always have to deal with. The ways in which you deal with it amaze me sometimes. Most would use it as an excuse, but it just lends to how strong your character is.

Kaleigh is one lucky little girl to have you for a father....

I also wonder sometimes if you realize what a wonderful person you are. I honestly don't think you do. I wish you didn't take on so much blame for things you can't change anyway. All you can do is learn from it and move on. Your funny as hell, so fun to talk to. As I've said before, your wicked smart, so bonus for intelligent conversation. The most important thing being your honesty, which is a value all my friends share.

I'm sure this is something your other friends have told you as well.

Like I say to all my friends, I'm always here, if you ever need anything, even if its just someone to talk to.

But you already know that.... :)