27 September 2012

Sitting here trying to decide what to do next.

Go to work. Done.

Spent a bit of time on Skyrim, took a shower, just got finished studying for a couple of hours.  Checked in to my FB for like the billionth time since I got home. Yes, I am a full blown Facebook whore.

It occupies enough of my time that I don't get bored.  Besides, it's how I keep track of my friends and their shenanigans and how they keep track of me, since I refuse to have a phone.

That will change before the end of the year, but for now, I'm enjoying the peace and quiet.

I have a lot of work I want to put into this blog and I have the time to do it now, but I'm not gonna work on it RIGHT now.

I think I have to put a little work into GW2 before I take my nap.  Then up to study again and write a couple of papers.  It's just a matter of whether that studying will get done before more gaming or after.  It is my day off after all...my last day off before another shitty weekend at work.  Which means the soonest I will see my gaming family again would be next Monday....

Guess I just answered my own question about what will be taking priority later this afternoon!!

23 September 2012

No gaming tonight.

Sitting here watching "King of the Hill" on Netflix until I pass out, work tomorrow.  Thank goodness it's my Friday. Especially after today's incident.

I am pretty tolerant when it comes to rude behavior from customers.  My normal view on things is that none of the people that filter in and out of my job, even regular customers, don't know me, nor will they ever.  Do I care what their opinion of me is?

Absolutely, positively...hell no.

So after listening to today's douchebag swear at me and call me names over fries that the CASHIER was not supposed to have bagged up yet as his sandwiches were not ready, that I had every intention of replacing once his food was done, I just got fed up.  Even after being berated by this moron after telling the cashier to make sure she got the old fries and put them in waste, as management is very strict about watching food cost, I still tried to keep quiet.  It was when he leaned over the counter and accused me of implying he was trying to get free food, I made only one statement to this person.  I can't call him a man because REAL men don't act like that, and I won't call him a boy either because that is an insult to the younger generation of future men who possibly haven't been taught you don't speak to people in that manner.

The statement I made was this...in these exact words...

"I think it's really sad that your life is so bad that you have nothing better to do with your time than to harass fast food workers over french fries. I really am sad for you....I'm sorry."

Guess he didn't like that too much hahahahahaha

So he continued to swear at me and basically made an ass of himself in front of a restaurant full of customers, which I continued to ignore.  Oddly enough, I have discovered over the years that when you ignore someone who is trying to harass you, they just get more angry.

I'm not gonna lie, I think it's fantastic when that happens.

He finally decided to leave and so I figured the whole episode was over.  Besides, I had already moved on as I had customers who needed to be helped.  While I was handing out the next couple of orders, the customers who I spoke to that had witnessed everything told me that they were surprised about how calm I was during all of it and they would have handled things a lot more violently than they did. Funny as hell.  One of my regulars I told...

"I'm not allowed to do that anymore, I can't risk my financial aid!!" True story.

About 3 or 4 minutes passed and that son of a bitch came back.  He went out of his way to look for the manager, which was Willie tonight, and asked him for a plastic bag.  He then stated he hadn't asked for one before he left because "those two bitches at the front counter probably wouldn't have given me one."

That's when it happened...SNAP!!

Call me all the names you want in the world, say whatever you will, believe me, I've been up against bigger and badder than you, nothing you will do can phase me.

Treat any of my friends or family like that though, consider yourself fucked.

So I turned to my cashier, my friend Elida and said, "Man, he (Willie) better get the motherfucker out of here, someone's about to get fucked up.  If he think I can't beat a dude's ass, he's about to find out the truth about that!"

To which King Douche then states, "See??? She just called me a motherfucker!! You let people like that work here???"

To which I stated, "YEAH, they do, and guess what?? I will be back here the next time you come back and I'm gonna make sure EVERYONE else who works here knows exactly who you are.  Let's see how the service you get is gonna be after that!"

Fucking asshole.

I'm sorry if your life sucks, but I honestly could give two fucks.  I save my sympathy for the people who deserve it.  For the people who have been through unimaginable shit and survived, even more so for the people who didn't make it.  As much shit as I've been through in this first part of my life, I always keep this perspective in mind...

I was lucky enough to be born strong and with good sense.  I survived far many more situations in life than I ought to have had to, but you know what? As horrendous as my life was, there are so many more who had it even worse and if they were able to survive it, many of them didn't end up as lucky as me.  I've been taking care of my self for what seems like forever, I work, I take care of all my needs on my own and I try every day to lead by example.  I'm a worst case scenario that was repaired as well as can be expected.  It's work to wake up and attempt to be normal every damn day of my life, but I deal with and do my best to appreciate that fact that I am alive at all.

It's the best I can do.

For those who think it's okay to shit on people, whether you know them or not, over something as petty as french fries or anything else equally petty I have only one thing to say to you.






Hopefully tomorrow will not be so obnoxious.  I have homework to do and gaming to catch up on!!

Cheers! :)

20 September 2012

Man, you take a quarter off from school...

Totally forgot how much having the responsibility of school and homework can interfere in the things you enjoy most.  In my case, it's gaming.  Now that the game I have been waiting so long for is here and I'm now officially playing it, it really sucks that school just HAD to start a mere two days after I got my laptop.

I was just happily playing when I that gnawing thought in the back of my head reminded me that I had RESPONSIBILITY again and that I needed to do my damn schoolwork.  The benefit of having a regular schedule at work is you know exactly how much time you have to dedicate to all the obligations in your life, whatever they may be.  In my case, since I fucked off my other two days off this week in game, I now need to dedicate however much time necessary to complete my assignments for the week.  Work is not due until 9pm Sunday night, but as I work a ridiculous amount of hours on the weekend in order to keep my 3 days off, I won't have the time, nor will I want to do homework or studying after work. 

So here I am.  Getting ready to write the obligatory "tell your teacher a little something about yourself" paper, which must be done before I can start receiving my assignments. 

What am I, in kindergarten??

Well, the faster I get that done, as it is very early (in my world), I should still have time to put in 3 or 4 more hours of gaming before my pre-work nap. 

Sleep is for suckers... >:-D

17 September 2012

Day three.

This is officially my first full day with my new love.  I don't know if I can say it really counts as that, as this is my first full day with my new piece of electronic joy and happiness since I've been working pretty much non-stop since Friday and this last hour has been the first interrupted time I've had to play with it.

I've already checked into classes, with the intention of working on homework most of tomorrow.  Classes should be fairly easy this quarter, though they usually are for me....as long as they are interesting.  I tend to have a harder time paying attention when the learning is TOO easy.  Sad, eh?

Currently loading all my music into my baby, though I know it's going to take at least the next couple of weeks to complete, due to the immensity of my music collection and the fact that it is all being ripped from CD's.  Yes, I still buy music old school like.  I'm all about artist support.

I'm close to done with that though, as I have a VERY long night of GW2 ahead of me.

I guess more accurate would be the rest of the night slated for GW2.

Good thing I don't work tomorrow!!!

16 September 2012

So in love!!! ^_^

With my new fucking laptop that is!!!!


It would be the same reaction if it was a brand new desktop that performed as well as this damn thing does, but it's a laptop....and now I can do this, homework, game and whore myself on Facebook from the convenience of my bed.

Though I don't really sleep much, my bed is comfortable as hell and still my favorite place to spend my time :-D

Currently downloading the Sims 3 onto this bad boy. I've had the game for awhile, but due to the fact that my desktop is old and wasn't really designed for gaming, Sims 3 didn't really work well on it. I was lucky if I could get a good 5-6 minutes in the game before it froze or reset my computer.  Now on the rare occasions I need to take a break from playing GW2 (which probably won't be until sometime next year hahaha), I will have a practically brand new game (for me) to play.


I also intend on downloading Skyrim onto this thing too, since I have a copy for PC I got from my buddy Jason.

And sometime tomorrow when I finally get home from work, I have to remember to download Microsoft Office, because I will need to have MS Word in order to do my fucking homework. Bleehhhh... Not happy about school starting again only because it will be cutting into my gaming time.

I have waited so damn long as it is!!! Guild Wars 2 was supposedly going to be out last November, but all of us expected that wasn't really going to be the case.  Waited and waited VERY impatiently for a release date, and finally got one...August 28th we finally get our game!!

Then my PC dies, I can't afford to replace it in a timely enough manner to be able to participate in all the beta weekends for my game.


Then my BFFF, my bestest friend in the whole damn world surprised me by buying me my copy of the game.  That was seriously like the best day ever!!  I originally estimated I would have enough money in order to buy my new PC approximately 2 weeks before release of the game.  So even though I had missed the betas, at least I would get to be in on the 3 day head start, right?  Turns out I was still a little short of what I needed and had to wait another month.


 Now that month is officially over and I sit here grinning like an idiot while I write this on my beautiful piece of electronic heaven.  Now that this game has finished downloading....

...time to get back to it.

Sleep is for suckers mode has officially been started...

05 September 2012

Sooooo frustrated right now!!!

So yeah...

Computer is not working properly and is such a pain to get onto I haven't been bothering much.  This is only troublesome due to my horrendous Facebook addiction.  Since it's basically how I stay connected to the world AND assure my friends that I am indeed still alive, not being there usually garners me many messages of...

"WTF?? Where the hell are you??"

For fucks sake, does it really matter?

Anyone who has been friends with me long enough should know by now how reclusive I am.  It's not that I don't care or I don't want to talk to you, it's just me, you should all be used to it!!! Probably doesn't help that my phone has been off for a year now (just realized that) and it is nearly impossible to contact me. Having it turned back on is one of several things I intend to take care of before the year is out.  Also high on my priority list is getting a new passport, as it has been AGES since I have been back "home" to Vancouver.  It's the one place I always felt I was meant to be and where I've always been happiest.

I will be getting my new laptop in about a week and a half, which means a ridiculous amount of time will be spent here writing....that is between my massive sessions of GW2 and equally massive sessions of fucking homework. Just a means to an end. Proper job (that isn't Wendy's or any other type of customer service) means that I will be able to set up my own retirement fund and also be able to make sure my father is taken care of in his.  Good thing I don't want for much, eh??

So even though I have been non-existent in the last couple of weeks, believe me, that will change, to the point of making everyone nauseous I'm sure... ;-)