05 October 2007

Something you should see

I am very much a "night person". That being said, I watch a lot of TV at night, when my Playstation is not on that is. I watched a special on HBO last night, actually, a documentary called "Alive Day Memories: Home From Iraq". It was about 10 men and women who served in Iraq, and their stories of survival, "alive day" being the day they should have been killed, but managed to survive the horrors they had to suffer. I will make this abundantly clear now, although I'm sure I will be inclined to defend my position from time to time. I do NOT support my governments' occupation of Iraq, but I DO support our troops, and I am saddened every day for the losses that are had on both sides. It is distressing to me that our government thinks that they can basically "bully" whomever they choose, and use the "we are trying to bring Democracy to the people of Iraq" to justify their actions, i.e., Blackwater security, Abu Gharib prison, etc. The 10 men and women in that documentary are some of the bravest people I have ever seen, and I thank them personally thank them for their service to our country. So watch it if you can, learn what you can, don't believe just what your told.

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