27 September 2008

I was so NOT disappointed!!!!

When you put time into certain things, you hate when they get ruined for whatever reason. Especially the few TV shows I bother watching.

I'm VERY happy to say, my show is only getting fucking BETTER!!!!

As you saw from the previous post, I was very excited about the fact that my favorite TV show EVER started again on Monday.

It was better than I could have ever hoped for.

I will be writing a longer post about it tomorrow, because it is going to be ridiculously long and detailed, full of spoilers, comments, and predictions. Hell, and why not? Pictures too....

Not only was Monday's episode great, I got 2 episodes in a row!!!

Plus, since G4 is on my favorite channel list, I watched both episodes again on Tuesday AND Wednesday.

I couldn't be more of a nerd if I tried. :)

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