09 March 2010

So busy lately.

Not complaining, it's actually a good thing.

Busy means time goes by faster, things you are looking forward to are finally coming around, things like that. Trip for next month is all set, appointment set for school, appointments set to view apartments, etc. Hopefully check out a few places of employment while I'm there as well.  Then another trip in May, for my sister's wedding, then back home to work for a couple months straight so I can move away from here finally.  Moving will happen even if school does not. I've decided if I can't afford school quite yet, then my last option will again become my first (yay to me, most of my friends will NOT be pleased), and I'm more than okay with that. All I know is I will not continue to work like as hard as I do, for basically nothing.  I have a future planned, and it won't come to fruition if I continue to work the places I usually do.

Tired of my friends telling me "you are too smart to be working at that shithole..".

You think I don't know that for fucks' sake?

I'm working on it, alright?

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