21 September 2011

I'm back for real bitches >:)

Damn, I forgot how much I missed doing this!!

I started this blog originally because I had just moved back to Cali, and I really had nothing better to do. I was working and taking a couple of classes at the local CC, but I spent most of my time home bored. Didn't know anyone, missed the hell out of my friends, and needed something to keep me occupied.

This was it lol

Yeah, my writing is random, but it makes me happy. My mind has always run at about a million miles a second, so this is the place where I put down all my random thoughts. Sometimes it's about something that happened in my day, sometimes it's about songs that get stuck in my head, a cartoon that I love, or clips from my favorite movies. Most of the random strangers have stated their appreciation in comment or emails about the stuff I post or write about, and it's weird yet touching that I can touch people in the smallest ways.

I'm not gonna lie...I love it!!

There is one thing anyone who reads or views my bullshit will pick up pretty quick on...

I NEVER edit myself....ever.

If you don't like what I write, no one is forcing you here. If you do, keep coming back, I'm sure you'll find something interesting or fun from time to time. :)

Enjoy suckas!!!! LOL

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