15 June 2008

Yet another untypical night


Just got home from work, but I wasn't working. Kat, Kyle, Derek, and myself were all just hanging out, bullshiting. None of us wanted to go home yet, and none of us have to get up in the morning, so we just stayed. We hang out at work, simply because we can be as loud as we want, late as we want. Well, as late as leaving before the first person gets there at 8am.

Anyway, we were sitting out on the front patio, and noticed a person across the street, shuffling their way in our general direction. Being as we are in a mini-mall type area, we do have a certain amount of homeless people around. We do know all of them though, as most of us go out of our way to make sure they are taken care of. We didn't recognize this person though, so we just kinda watched to see where they were going. Turns out it was a she, by the way, as we discovered very quickly in a disturbing kind of way.

Have you ever seen a horror movie, where you see something (zombie, or other such atrocity), shuffling in the direction of the intended victim, slow and steady at first, then all of a sudden...

HELLO!!!!!!!!! Thus creating a victim out of the dumbass who just stood there and let it happen.

Derek was almost that dumbass tonight.

I was honestly the last to notice her, but the first to notice something was definitely wrong with her, Kat's awareness of the same coming about half a second later. Kat was like, "uh, I think we should definitely think about going inside, because she is definitely heading straight toward us." Kyle and I also noticed that she seemed to be picking up her pace. She stopped for about a minute, right next to Kyle's car, which was parked right out front. I'd say we were about 2 feet from the door to the building, and she was about 50 feet from us. When Kat and I got up to go inside, she was still hunched over by the car.

Then it happened.

She got up, and I swear to god, that woman practically jumped to where we were. The moment me and Kat took our first step to the door, she was up and coming at us.

I don't remember the last time I moved that fast. I know Kat literally right next to me, Kyle two steps behind, and all of us yelling at fucking Derek, who was just watching her come, to get his ass inside.

Derek and Kyle had to hold the door while they were locking it, because she got there that fast.

It was the most surreal moment you could imagine. It was literally like being in some horror film, like "Dawn of the Dead", or to me, "28 Days Later". Just fucking sudden and weird like that.

Just when you think you've seen everything....

She just kept trying to get us to open the door, and we all just stood way back and watched her. At one point she pulled out her pipe, and started waving it at us, which explained a lot. I'm watching all this from a weird angle on my mobile's camera, as I have zero desire to be in her line of vision. Kyle peeked at her from the office, and Derek and Kat just kept watching her. Derek and Kat also both at different points tried to communicate with her, but no go.

She did a lot of different things while she was out there. She stood at the door for a long time. She went and sat on the curb next to Kyle's car for a bit. Then she got up and came back toward the door. Kyle and Derek went out back, got in Derek's car, and went for a little drive so we could call the cops to come and get her. Those two were not in a condition in which it would be wise to be there when the cops were. While they were going, I called. Told them we were trapped in there, please come and get her, we wanted to go home. We actually were trapped in there, because of where everyone but Derek was parked. As is the case when you call the cops, and no one is dead yet, they take their sweet ass time. She is just acting weirder by this point.

She went around the side of the building, but only long enough to change her pants and come back. She goes straight for the front door, because she sees Kat standing right there. Kat had been at the door, trying to see where she was. I told her it was probably not such a good idea for her to stand so close to the door, it wouldn't be that hard for her to break the glass. She stood there for a bit, then Kat said she just started crying. She did that for a few minutes, then went and sat down on the benches. She sat there for awhile, then just got up all of a sudden, crossed herself, picked up her shit, and started shuffling off in the direction from which she came. When she got up the street a ways, I called the cops back, told them where she was going, we could get to our cars now, we were bailing. The dispatcher told me, they should be there any minute, did we want them to come there? I told her, nah, we were going home, we just wanted to let them know, so they wouldn't come to the restaurant and find us gone. She said okay, thanks for calling back, go ahead and head out if it was safe.

I was getting my stuff when I heard Kat call out, "They got her! Over at the gas station!!"

"Good, let's go."

Kat took me home, so of course, we spent the ride talking about it. Still a little weirded out by the whole thing, to be honest with ya, but it's definitely gonna be a story for the books.

At this restaurant anyway.

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