08 October 2012

...and so it ends...for now

Finally another long shitty weekend of work is done.

Sitting here catching up on wrestling with the roomie, gonna try and get some homework done while I'm sitting here.  Been seriously slacking on that, having a hard time staying motivated for some reason.  Kinda having mixed feelings at the moment about my career choice.  Not that I think it was necessarily a bad choice, just don't know if it's what I really want to do.  It's important I figure it out quick, but even if I change track, it won't be that big of a deal.  Some of the classes I would need to take toward a different career will already be taken care of, as it still has to do with computers.

Dunno yet....indecision is a bitch sometimes.

Today was a pretty mellow day at work, got done way ahead of time, which is fairly unusual.  It was nice to be the first one done for once.  Hell, I even did parts of my co-workers chores (totally don't mind, us weekend closers ALWAYS help each other out) so we didn't have to be there until almost 4am again.

Tomorrow (later today, whateva) I have to finish catching up on my late homework (so much of it -.-), go grocery shopping and clean up the apartment. Tuesday some of my friends are coming over for dinner, should be a nice relaxing night with good people.

Weather is just the way I like it right now.  Oddly enough, it's not cold during the day, the weather is ridiculously perfect, but at night...cold as all hell.  I personally love it though, winter is my favorite season.

Yeah, I'm strange like that.

I'm cool with it.

*sigh* Off to do homework.  More later today.

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