25 January 2008

I started this blog because I needed someplace to put all the thoughts running around in my head. For some reason, my brain is in a constant state of overdrive. Past, present, future....all mixed together. Some of these factors obviously affecting others. Sometimes I really wish it wasn't that way.

I'm having a moment. They come on occasion, and the outcome is usually the same.

The overwhelming urge to just cut and run.

To pick up what little bit of a life I have, take my stuff, and go someplace where no one knows who I am.

In other words.....disappear.

I'm rather good at it, actually. No one can shut out everything and everyone quite like I can. Ask my friends. My really and truly friends. They know more about me than anyone, and they can only keep up with me for one reason.

Because I allow it.

I don't really want or expect much for myself. Maybe just a few happy moments.

I think mine may be all used up. I'm not sure yet. The jury is still out on that one.

I wouldn't be horribly surprised.

I'm used to it.

1 comment:

rabbit said...

Keira-Anne said...

January 25, 2008 8:48 PM