12 January 2008

The lesson for today is...proper restaurant behavior.

Yeah, yeah...I've been busy, what can I say? Work is very demanding right now.

On that note...

I remember when I first saw the trailer for this movie, I immediately wanted to go see it. But due to my ever fluctuating schedule, this was not to be. On a visit to Dan and Laura's, I spent a lot of time re-organizing (OCD) Dan's movie collection. Also spent a lot of time watching movies. When he found out I hadn't seen this one yet, he about broke his legs to get it in the DVD player so I could watch it.

The movie I speak of is "Waiting...", and if you have ever worked in the food/customer service industry, you would know this movie is an eerily accurate portrayal of the people who work in said jobs, me, of course, being one of them.

Just from my job at the P.H., I can place one of my friends/employees for each character in this movie, myself included. I swear the people who made this movie met me before they created the character "Naomi". XD

Unfortunately, the clip that USED to be here is no longer available *sighs*.

But this one is...what you would have seen at any of the parties between May 2001 and June 2002, when we ruled the Bellingham Pizza Hut...


1 comment:

rabbit said...

Keira-Anne said...
Happy Birthday :)

January 12, 2008 4:39 PM
rabbit said...
Thank you, Keira :)

January 12, 2008 5:16 PM