14 January 2008

Just a quick update

Well, tomorrow, I'm finally gonna do it. As soon as I'm done with this post, I'm going to bed. That's early for me. When the rest of you are getting up like normal people and going to work, around 7 or 8am, I'm either just going to bed, or getting ready to. Then, around the time you are taking your lunch break, say anywhere between 11am and 1pm, I'm waking up to start my day. I know, silly.

Since I'll be in bed no later than 3am, I should be awake somewhere around 8am. Which gives me plenty of time to get my shit together, get some bills paid, and go to Best Buy before I go to work. Which means I can get lots of stuff to post tomorrow night when I get home from work. Which means I'll finally be able to post plenty I haven't wanted to do without pictures. I can finally send my sweetie pictures of what I look like NOW, instead of the old one he has from when I was still fat.lol

So more changes will be coming tomorrow, the blog will look completely different again, just because.

Stay tuned. :)

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