18 December 2007

"Trainspotting" - Renton and Sick Boy, bored...

This is another of my favorite movies, top twenty. You may think I don't like animals from a couple of these clips I've posted...that is not at all the case. It just so happens that two funny scenes from two of my favorite movies happen to involve animals, a dog and a cat, respectively.

Whatever. It's fucking funny.

1 comment:

rabbit said...

Keira-Anne said...
I can't tell you how much I love that movie (and also can't emphasize how much shit I got in with my parents for seeing it when I was underage). Fantastic acting.

Oh and the song playing during that scene - sexy as hell.

December 19, 2007 6:57 PM
rabbit said...
Great movie, been a fan of Ewan McGregor and Jonny Lee Miller ever since. Excellent acting all around.

And the soundtrack to this movie is extraordinary!! :)

December 21, 2007 12:55 AM